North Head Sanctuary Foundation
is working with Government agencies
towards the establishment of
Car-rang-gel Sanctuary
on North Head
at the gateway of Sydney Harbour
- a flagship for Australia's
environmental resolve
and a celebration of
our natural and cultural heritage.
Car-rang-gel Sanctuary on North Head, Sydney
Aboriginal Heritage
Built Heritage
Research Volunteering

If you would like to receive North Head Sanctuary Foundation newsletters via your email from now on, just ask to be put on the mailing list by contacting:

Which Year of Newsletters would you like to visit?

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Nursery volunteers
Nursery volunteers
January 2021
Interpretive centre may open later in January if it is Covid-19 safe; Christmas party for Nursery Volunteers; 135 bus replaced by 161 bus; Echidna research; Natural bushland recovery after fire; Influenza pandemic in 1918 - vaccine rollout.
Dinty's house
Dinty's house
February 2021
Interpretive centre still closed due to Covid-19; Nursery volunteers are working Tuesdays and Fridays; Carpenter Bee; Family stories from Quarantine Station days living in Dinty's House; 1919 death in Quarantine Station
Memorial Walk plaque
Memorial Walk plaque
March 2021
NHSF AGM on March 13; Education Room opening from March 6 onwards; Nursery group would welcome new volunteers; Garigal Landcare are stepping in to remove weeds from the burn areas and would welcome volunteers; Pimelea curviflora; Memorial Walk; Tunnel Tours now include Plotting Room; Scenic Area upgrade; Third Cemetery - James Cahill
April 2021
Nursery - the pond area after heavy rain; Backobourkia (an orb spider); 
About how much earth is moved by an Echidna in a year?;
Wolf Spider;
Quarantine in 1971; Third Cemetery - Private Robert Fairley
Fairfax Lookout
Fairfax Lookout

May 2021
Education Room; Native Plant Nursery; North Head Fairfax Lookout area Upgrade; Lone Pine; 1790s Port Jackson 4 pounder; Third Cemetery - "The Makura"; Back in Time - serious allegations about treatment at the Quarantine Station.

Slime Mould
Cellular Slime Mould
June 2021
Sanctuary definition; Community consultation on plans for North Head; Education Room; Native Plant Nursery; Fire as a tool in recovery of Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub (ESBS) ecological community; Cool fires versus Hot fires; Cellular Slime Moulds.

July 2021
Whales seen from North Head; Education Room; Native Plant Nursery; Quorum sensing; Atua and Influenza

August 2021
Nursery; Medicine in the Sanctuary; Life in Quarantine; Congratulations to Aunty Fran Bodkin; "Knowing our Country"

Bar-shouldered dove
Bar-shouldered doves

September 2021
Native plant nursery; Spring is here; Echidnas; Birds of North Head; Controlled burn areas - "before" and "after" photos showing regrowth.
Juvenile Masked Lapwings
Juvenile Plovers

October 2021
Native plant nursery; "My North Head" by Peter Nash; Birds of North Head; Solanum aviculare; Third Cemetery - baby John Lindsay Christie; retirement of Lindsay Christie; burial of George Mark Burman
Painted Lady
Australian Painted Lady
November 2021
North Head Sanctuary Foundation Annual General Meeting December 11; Bandicoot Heaven still closed; Vale Christabel Casimir; Upgrade to Scenic Area at North Head in Sydney Harbour National Park; Woollsia pungens - and using Latin names for plants; Vanessa kershawi or Australian Painted Lady; Third Cemetery - John Casey; Flannel Flowers flourish after bushfires
Garigal Landcare
Garigal Landcare group
December 2021
Annual General Meeting - Malcolm Fisher speaking about Manly Dam; Nursery visitor - an echidna; Welcome Sparrow; Back in Time - Pandemic in 1919; Garigal Landcare group removes weeds on North Head; North Head Wastewater Treatment Plant installs new equipment; Monotoca elliptica; Third Cemetery - unvaccinated person dies from smallpox.

Featured Flora and Fauna from the newsletters:

February 2021

 Parsonsia straminea
Parsonsia straminea with carpenter bee
Photo J Wilson
March 2021

 Pimelea curviflora
Pimelea curviflora
Photo Elizabeth Mills
September 2021

Gahnia sieberiana
Dragonfly on Gahnia sieberiana
Photo: Robyn Missen
September 2021

Philotheca salsolifolia
Carpenter Bee and Philotheca salsolifolia
Photo: Robyn Missen
 October 2021

 Solanum aviculare
 Solanum aviculare
Photo: Jenny Wilson

November 2021

Flannel Flower
Actinotus helianthi (Flannel Flower)
Photo: Ian Evans
December 2021

Cockatoos feeding on Monotoca elliptica berries
Cockatoos feeding on Monotoca elliptica berries
Photo: Alan Ventress
 December 2021

Monotoca elliptica berries
Monotoca elliptica berries
Photo: Jenny Wilson
Aboriginal Heritage
Built Heritage
Research Volunteering
North Head Sanctuary Foundation, P.O.Box 506, Balgowlah, NSW 2093

Email: Email secretary

This page was coded for the North Head Sanctuary Foundation by Judith Bennett.
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