North Head Sanctuary Foundation
is working with Government agencies
towards the establishment of
Car-rang-gel Sanctuary
on North Head
at the gateway of Sydney Harbour
- a flagship for Australia's
environmental resolve
and a celebration of
our natural and cultural heritage.
Car-rang-gel Sanctuary on North Head, Sydney
Aboriginal Heritage
Built Heritage
Research Volunteering

If you would like to receive North Head Sanctuary Foundation newsletters via your email from now on, just ask to be put on the mailing list by contacting:

Which Year of Newsletters would you like to visit?

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
January 2015
Native Plant Nursery; Education Room; Angophora hispida; Ocean Care Day; North Head Long Nosed Bandicoots; Third Cemetery - Vincent Heaton; Sandstone obelisks
WW1 gun being restored
February/March 2015
Jim Frecklington talks about restoration of WW1 gun; Native Plant Nursery; Revegetation after fire; Third Cemetery - James Ernest Derrington;
Xyris gracilis
 Jumping Spider
Jumping Spider

April 2015
Meeting May 20 - speaker David Jenkins, whale spotter; North Head plant labels; new plantings; congratulations to award recipients; Bandicoot update; Clean Up Australia; Spider webs; Pittosporum revolutum; Third Cemetery - James McNair, Alice and Adelaide Forshaw
Termite (white ant)

May 2015
Whale Watching talk on May 20; The Usefulness of White Ants (termites); Aerial photographs - then and now; Gleichenia microphylla; Third Cemetery - “The Duchess of Argyle”

Visitor Centre opening
Opening visitor centre
June 2015
Whale Watching presentation; Publication of Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub research papers; Opening of SHFT visitor centre at North Fort; Third Cemetery - Java Fever; When was the Obelisk built?; Hibbertia fasciculata; Forgotten engravings on North Head.
Snail shells
July 2015
Next Meeting July 29 Staff of Waste Water Treatment Plant will talk about odour;
The "John Barry" and the mystery of when the Obelisk was built; Spirals in nature; Third Cemetery - measles from on board the "Energia".

Antechinus stuartii

August 2015
Spring Walks; The Missing Antechinus holotype; Reporting wildlife deaths; Spiral Shell project; Third Cemetery - 3 Cornelius children

Costa Georgiadis visit
September 2015
AGM September 12 at 2pm; Spring Walks; Q Station Community Day; Nursery needs wire coat hangers; Gardening Australia's Costa Georgiadis visit - to be screened on Sept 19 on ABC at 6:30pm: Patersonia glabrata; Twining and twisting - flora and fauna; Third Cemetery - Ah Yet from the Chinese Liner, Taiyuan.

Dr Jennifer Anson
October 2015
Spring Wildflower walks; Planting on the oval to provide cover for bandicoots; Then and Now - planting in Feb 2013 compared with the same bank in September 2015; Round the Twist - part 4; Second phase of introductions of Native bushrats to North Head by Dr Jennifer Anson of The Australian Wildlife Conservancy;
Caesia parviflora

Surveying regeneration
November 2015
Invitation to tour Waste Management Plant on Nov 14; Ocean Care Day on Dec 6: North Head Sanctuary Foundation Nursery; Report on Spring Wildflower walks; Plover Chicks are thriving near Bella Vista Café; Cockroaches; Survey of after effects of measures taken to reduce impact of rabbits after fire in Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub areas.

Sand on North Head
December 2015
Ocean Care Day on Dec 6; Planting on the Oval; Cryptostylis subulata; Magpie death; Soil changes on North Head over time; 1899 bushfire on North Head; measles and scarlet fever at the Quarantine Station in 1913; Mystery photo from North Head.

Featured Flora and Fauna from the newsletters:

January 2015

Angophora hispida  Photo: Jenny Wilson
February/March 2015

Xyris gracilis Photo: J Wilson
April 2015

Pittosporum revolutum Photo: Jenny Wilson
 May 2015

Gleichenia microphylla Photo: Jenny Wilson
 June 2015

Hibbertia fasciculata Photo: Jenny Wilson

September 2015

Patersonia glabrata Photo: Jenny Wilson
October 2015

Caesia parviflora Photo J. Wilson 
December 2015

Cryptostylis subulata Photo J. Wilson
Aboriginal Heritage
Built Heritage
Research Volunteering
North Head Sanctuary Foundation, P.O.Box 506, Balgowlah, NSW 2093


This page was coded for the North Head Sanctuary Foundation by Judith Bennett.
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