North Head Sanctuary Foundation
is working with Government agencies
towards the establishment of
Car-rang-gel Sanctuary
on North Head
at the gateway of Sydney Harbour
- a flagship for Australia's
environmental resolve
and a celebration of
our natural and cultural heritage.
Car-rang-gel Sanctuary on North Head, Sydney
Aboriginal Heritage
Built Heritage
Research Volunteering

If you would like to receive North Head Sanctuary Foundation newsletters via your email from now on, just ask to be put on the mailing list by contacting:

Which Year of Newsletters would you like to visit? 

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
November-December 2008
Thanks to Sydney Harbour Federation Trust for donating furniture; Ocean Care Day; Seed collection has begun for the Nursery operation.

Education Room fitout
January 2009
We have the keys! Several people helped with working bees to clean and paint the floor and install donated furniture. We have gained a Coastcare Grant for the Nursery and Education program.

Nursery construction
March 2009
Nursery Bay is built but benches are not yet installed. Several displays are up in the Education Room. Volunteers are needed to help with the Nursery and the Education Room.

Nursery with seedlings
April 2009
Seeds and cuttings are now growing in the Nursery.

Australian Wildlife Conservancy will be on site soon.
Nature of Manly exhibition.

Mural and Katie

May 2009
Katie painted a mural for the Education Centre.
Geoff Lambert will give History of North Head talk in June.
New signs to advertise the Centre.

Planting time
June 2009
First plants from nursery are in the ground. Aboriginal Seasons talk.
Goodbye Sally Hamilton.
North Head electrical upgrade.

Seedling in Nursery

July 2009
Nursery and Education Centre are open 10-4pm each weekend day.
Wildflower cards and the book about Aboriginal seasons are for sale.
AGM will be in August when Tim will talk about birds on North Head.

New Holland Honeyeater
August 2009
Notice of AGM, New Holland Honeyeater is on North Head, Wildflower Workshop announced, construction of second bay of Nursery due to start soon, Quarantine Station Open Day, Whale Watching from North Head.

Ivan, Katie and diorama
September 2009
Launch of Nursery and Education Centre, over 1000 plants in the nursery, Spring walks, Wildflower Workshop, Diorama in Education Centre created by Ivan and Katie.

Launch of Nursery

October 2009
Spring wildflower walks, launch of Nursery and Education Centre, work started on second nursery bay, Workshop on Weeds

No mow area of bush regeneration

November 2009
Building second nursery bay, Floral diversity of North Head, natural bush regeneration in areas of no mowing, Christmas cards available, Dr Nelika Hughes will speak at Nov meeting.

Planting seedlings
December 2009
Ocean Care Day, Planting out seedlings, Draft Recovery Plan for Acacia terminalis ssp terminalis, tracking cats on North Head,
Profile - Peter Jensen

Featured Flora and Fauna from the newsletters:

January 2009

Banksia aemula Photo: Jenny Wilson
March 2009

Astroloma humifusum Photo: Jenny Wilson
April 2009

Acacia terminalis ssp terminalis Photo J. Wilson

May 2009

Epacris longiflora
Photo J. Wilson
July 2009

Darwinia fascicularis
Darwinia fascicularis
August 2009

 New Holland Honeyeater
New Holland Honeyeater
September 2009

Kunzea capitata Photo: Jenny WIlson
October 2009

Melaleuca nodosa Photo: Jenny Wilson
November 2009

Kunzea ambigua Photo: Jenny Wilson
December 2009

Elaeocarpus reticulatus Photo: Jenny Wilson
Aboriginal Heritage
Built Heritage
Research Volunteering
North Head Sanctuary Foundation, P.O.Box 506, Balgowlah, NSW 2093


This page was coded for the North Head Sanctuary Foundation by Judith Bennett.
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