North Head Sanctuary Foundation
is working with Government agencies
towards the establishment of
Car-rang-gel Sanctuary
on North Head
at the gateway of Sydney Harbour
- a flagship for Australia's
environmental resolve
and a celebration of
our natural and cultural heritage.
Car-rang-gel Sanctuary on North Head, Sydney
Aboriginal Heritage
Built Heritage
Research Volunteering

If you would like to receive North Head Sanctuary Foundation newsletters via your email from now on, just ask to be put on the mailing list by contacting:

Which Year of Newsletters would you like to visit? 

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Tick under microscope
January 2019
Volunteers welcome for Education Room and Nursery; Ocean Care Day; A word about ticks; Cryptostylis erecta; Ecological Society of Australia’s (ESA) Annual Conference; Third Cemetery - Pte Hector Fraser HICKS
Elizabeth McGregor
Elizabeth McGregor
February 2019
General meeting Feb 23 - Matthew Taylor speaking about birds of North  Head; Congratulations to Dr Paul Lancaster; "Surviving Influenza at Quarantine Station" talk on March 5 at Sydney Harbour Federation Trust offices; Update on Animal re-introductions in North Head bushland; Avoiding ticks; Vegetation surveying; Third Cemetery - Sister Elizabeth McGregor - Part 1
Brush Turkey chick
Brush Turkey chick
March 2019
Society for Insect Studies event - March 9, 2019; Brush Turkey chick; Fire and ESBS on North Head - poster presentation at International event in Darling Harbour; "My North Head"; Christmas Bells on North Head; Third Cemetery - Sister Elizabeth McGregor - Part 2
 Nursery Group
Nursery Group
April 2019
Report from Society for Insect Studies walk held March 9; Echidna rescued from being in a drain;  Celebration event after 20 years of dedicated work by the Nursery Group.
Tukey pecks Echidna
Turkey pecks Echidna

May 2019
General Meeting on Saturday May 25; Things you find in Building 20 - our education centre called "Bandicoot Heaven"; Volunteering in the Native Plant Nursery; "My North Head" by Kath Pearce, Turkey pecks Echidna; Building a Bee Motel; Trailer needed to transport Nursery benches

Praying Mantis
Praying Mantis
June 2019
Bandicoot Heaven; Native Plant Nursery; Praying/preying Mantis on a Banksia flower; Donation of equipment to Indigrow; Third Cemetery; Sydney Morning Herald report about the conditions on the immigrant ship "Allanshaw".
Xanthorrhoea after fire
July 2019
Education room; Mosman High School visit the Nursery; Water in the hanging swamp; Whales seen off North Head; The 135 Stuarts' bus; Third Cemetery - smallpox on the French steamer "Ville de la Ciotat"
Recovery after fire
Recovery after fire

August 2019
Meeting 2pm August 17 - speaker Carole Rollings from Manly Little Penguin Watch; Acianthus fornicatus - a tiny orchid on North Head; 15month post-fire survey; Third Cemetery - Sydney Cecil Pepper, a plague victim

Wren feeding on nectar
September 2019
 Q Station - Open Day- Life in Quarantine 10am – 2pm, Sunday 15th September;   Wren feeding on nectar of Xanthorrhoea flowers; Imperata cylindrica; Spring Wildflower Walks; Back in Time - housing in early Sydney; North Head is a Botanist’s Heaven with nearly 500 native species of plants.
Male pardalote
Male pardalote
October 2019
Native Plant Nursery; Education Room; North Head Bird photo - pardalote; Annual General Meeting; Guided Wildflower Walks; Styphelia triflora or Five Corners; Wildflower report from 1933; Building 20 now used as "Bandicoot Heaven" - 80 year history; Third Cemetery - smallpox onboard the "Eastern".
Plover family

November 2019
Annual General Meeting on November 9 with Colonel Peter Sweeney speaking about military history in Sydney Harbour; Native Plant Nursery has the shade cloth installed for the Summer; Morning tea with Dr Viyanna Leo; Ocean Care Day now part of Ocean Week; Plover chicks; Life as part of Quarantine Station staff family.
ICMS volunteers
ICMS volunteers
December 2019
Ocean Care Day - Dec 1; Volunteer with Native Plant Nursery or Education Room; Independent review of the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust; Calyptorhynchus funereus - Black Cockatoo; Snake and spider awareness; Mosman High School ‘Environmental Expo’; Volunteer day - students from the International College of Management Sydney.

Featured Flora and Fauna from the newsletters:

January 2019

Cryptostylis erecta
Cryptostylis erecta Photo J. Wilson
March 2019

Frog Pond
Frog Pond Photo Penny Polkinghorne
August 2019

Acianthus fornicatus
Acianthus fornicatus Photo: Elizabeth Mills
 September 2019

Imperata cylindrica
Imperata cylindrica Photo: Jenny Wilson
October 2019

Styphelia triflora
Styphelia triflora
Photo: Geoff Lambert

December 2019

Black cockatoo
Black Cockatoo feeding on Lambertia Formosa
 Photo Ian Evans
Aboriginal Heritage
Built Heritage
Research Volunteering
North Head Sanctuary Foundation, P.O.Box 506, Balgowlah, NSW 2093


This page was coded for the North Head Sanctuary Foundation by Judith Bennett.
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