North Head Sanctuary Foundation
is working with Government agencies
towards the establishment of
Car-rang-gel Sanctuary
on North Head
at the gateway of Sydney Harbour
- a flagship for Australia's
environmental resolve
and a celebration of
our natural and cultural heritage.
Car-rang-gel Sanctuary on North Head, Sydney
Aboriginal Heritage
Built Heritage
Research Volunteering

If you would like to receive North Head Sanctuary Foundation newsletters via your email from now on, just ask to be put on the mailing list by contacting:

Which Year of Newsletters would you like to visit? 

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Guided walk
January/February 2017
Next meeting March 1 at 7pm will feature local residents; bushwalks led by NHSF for various groups; Native Plant Nursery progress; Rainfall monitoring on North Head; Third Cemetery - consumption claimed 2 lives in 1919; Making crystals an unusual way.
New bush regen site
New bush regeneration site
March 2017
March 1 Meeting 7pm in Building 20 - several walking and bush related videos; New bush regeration site; North Fort Road; The other obelisk; Missing headstone found!
Yellow-faced whip snake
April 2017
Cats and dogs - threats on North Head; Yellow-faced whip snake; Third Cemetery - more about Jean Baptiste Adonis; Stone masons at work repairing grave stones.
Austracantha minax
Austracantha minax spider

May 2017
Datura stramonium - nasty weed; Austracantha minax - a spider; Third Cemetery - Margaret Whitehead; John Baptist Adonis’ grave marker is now upright

Pygmy possum
Pygmy Possum
June 2017
General Meeting - 2pm June 10th in Building 20 - guest speaker, Helen Vickers; Nursery people work on the Oval; Walk and Talk - Sunday June 18; Eastern Pygmy Possums back on North Head; Strangled! - the demise of a seedling Eucalyptus camfieldii; Third Cemetery - deaths from smallpox in 1913.
Tawyny Frogmouth
Tawny Frogmouth
July 2017
Annual General Meeting - September 16 - 2pm in Building 20
Speaker Jennifer Anson - Topic Re-introductions on North Head;
Education Room; Finding a Tawny Frogmouth; Native Plant Nursery;
Third Cemetery - in pursuit of the missing headstones
Gym planting 1  Gym planting 2
2015           2017
Planted area near old gym

August 2017
Nursery group's planting outside the old gymnasium - March 2015 and now (July 2017); Spring Wildflower walks - September and October; Hazard reduction burns planned for North Head;  Third cemetery - Ellie George; Keeping count of people visiting North Head.


September 2017
Annual General Meeting at 2pm on September 16 - Guest speaker will be Jennifer Anson speaking about "Possums, rodents, bandicoots and dasyurids: Fauna Restoration at North Head Sanctuary"; Thank you Aunty Fran; Spring Wildflower walks; ESBS - changes to the list of species recognised to be endemic to this classification; Third Cemetery - Richard Perry died at North Head but was buried in the Necropolis at Rookwood Cemetery.
Pond area
October 2017
Thank you to Jennifer Anson for a fascinating talk; Cleanup of Pond area; Spring Wildflower walks; After a fire; Third Cemetery - path paved;
SS Atua and influenza
Spring Walk
Spring Wildflower Walk
November 2017
General Meeting November 25 2pm - speakers Vince and Julia Williams; Ocean Care Day - 3rd December; North Head Project - 8th Dec, 2017 to 18th Feb, 2018 - showcasing the work of 10 artists who are depicting aspects of North Head; North Head Discovery Day - Sun 21 January 2018, 10am – 4pm; more buses for North Head on Sundays and public holidays; Spring Wildflower Walks; airport for North Head?; Third Cemetery - Influenza
Army truck
Army truck
December 2017
North Head Discovery Day - January 21, 2018; Tears at North Fort; The naming of species; The UAV vegetation survey of North Head;  Third Cemetery - rum and innoculation

Featured Flora and Fauna from the newsletters:

May 2017-
 Weed found on North Head
Datura stramonium
Datura stramonium: Seed pod and flower Photo: J. Wilson
 September 2017  

Philotheca salsolifolia plus Grevillea speciosa Photo: J. Wilson
 October 2017

Kunzea capitata plus baeckia imbricata
Kunzea capitata plus Baeckia imbricata
Photo: J. Wilson
October 2012

Hibbertia diffusa  Photo: J. Wilson
Aboriginal Heritage
Built Heritage
Research Volunteering
North Head Sanctuary Foundation, P.O.Box 506, Balgowlah, NSW 2093


This page was coded for the North Head Sanctuary Foundation by Judith Bennett.
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