North Head Sanctuary Foundation
is working with Government agencies
towards the establishment of
Car-rang-gel Sanctuary
on North Head
at the gateway of Sydney Harbour
- a flagship for Australia's
environmental resolve
and a celebration of
our natural and cultural heritage.
Car-rang-gel Sanctuary on North Head, Sydney
Heritage Management Statement
This Natural Heritage Statement forms part of suite of complementary strategic
plans; Indigenous, immigrant, geophysical, educational etc which have
been developed to achieve the Vision of the North Head Sanctuary Foundation.
The aim is to "save what we have got, and protect and restore what we
can" of North Head's native biodiversity.
Heritage has been chosen as the title because the plan
aims to manage the native biodiversity of North Head using an integrated,
multi-species approach. The strategy seeks to embrace vertebrates
and invertebrates, plants and plant communities and the surrounding
marine environment. This said, the plan recognises the special role
of the populations of little penguins, weedy seadragons and long-nosed
bandicoots as the icons of, and impetus for, the Car-rang-gel Sanctuary
on North Head. The plan does not value all living things at North
Head. Weeds and introduced animals are candidates for control or removal.
has been specifically addressed because the natural heritage vision
sees the environment of North Head 'better' than it is today. The
plan thus goes beyond simply preserving what has survived because
of North Head's unique history. Restoration candidates would include
any appropriate (see objectives)
plant or animal once native to North Head, that has the potential to
establish populations or communities that are sustainable,
such as,
click here to read about the re-introduction of
brown antichinus to North Head or
click here
to read about re-introduction of pygmy possum

Re-introducing pyrmy possum |

Endangered Acacia terminalis ssp terminalis |
of human impacts will be an integral part of biodiversity
management. It is implicit is that people will be highly controlled
through a system of stratified levels of access.
These could
range from high access (eg. education centre with museum or live
animal displays), moderate access (eg. bandicoot and penguin viewing
decks to accommodate reasonably large groups) to pedestrian access
only areas (eg. bush walk type experience on elevated board walks).
management at North Head should be experimentally based using adaptive
management principles with due regard to existing threatened,
endangered or rare species.
and implementation of a detailed management plan will require diverse
expert inputs (eg plant ecology, population biology, pest management,
etc). Cost effective research and technical expertise can be expected
to come from universities, and organisations like the Australian
Museum, and associated research students. In addition to this professional
input there will be a critical need for involvement of community
expertise particularly in monitoring management outcomes (eg ornithologists,
and special interest groups developed from the North Head community).
Heritage Vision
The natural heritage of North Head conserved, restored and secure.
Heritage Mission
The maintenance, recovery and reintroduction of native species in their
natural habitats, communities and environments on North Head by:
- Working with land
managers, stakeholders and the community in the planning and implementing
of biodiversity management based on adaptive management principles.
- Fostering research
on North Head biodiversity and its conservation management.
- Marshalling and
coordinating human and financial resources.

Long-nosed bandicoot |
Heritage Objectives
To Establish:
- The plant and
animal assemblages of North Head before recent disruption and to what
extent were these due to Aboriginal practices.
- The critical boundary
(or boundaries) to North Head (including marine areas) and effective
means to protect them (eg fences, baiting, education etc).
- The technical
limits to sustainable biodiversity conservation and restoration on North
- What will be the
ongoing management needs of existing, or restored populations or communities,
set by the above constraints. In particular, to identify and establish
suitable areas as protected habitats for the little penguin and long-nosed
- Ways to effectively
manage the Sanctuary-Urban interface. This is both to protect the sanctuary
and extend is biodiversity benefits into urbanised Manly.
- The threats posed
by introduced predators (eg fox compared with cats and domestic dogs)
and competitors (eg. weeds, non-native rodents).

Short-Beaked Echidna, or Spiny Anteater
Tachyglossus aculeatus |
- Development and
implementation of a detailed operational management plans drawing on
diverse expert inputs (eg plant ecology, population biology, pest management,
- Research and technical
expertise from universities, and organisations like the Australian Museum,
and associated research students.
- Community expertise
particularly in monitoring management outcomes (eg ornithologists, and
other special interest groups)
Biodiversity Management Plan was prepared in 2002
by the NHSF Biodiversity Management working group.
about the Geology of North Head
The early
dedication of North Head by the New South Wales and Commonwealth governments
for quarantine and military uses, and the establishment of park reserves,
has resulted in the survival of many of the headland's geological features,
flora and fauna in a landscape with rich cultural associations, both Aboriginal
and more recent.
Head is a striking cliff-bound tied island complex formed by the interaction
of strong bedrock and erosion associated with changes in sea level rise
and topography. Surrounded by spectacular sea cliffs up to 90 metres high,
and flooded river valleys (rias), the morphology and principal characteristics
of the rias can be viewed from lookouts on the south side of Scenic Drive
and from the Quarantine Station. North Head also provides a highly accessible
opportunity to view an array of sedimentary depositional features associated
with Hawkesbury Sandstone and the Newport Formation, including crossbeds
both normal and overturned, flaser bedding, shrinkage cracks, burrows
and ball and pillow deposits. The three lithofacies of the Hawkesbury
Sandstone - sheet sandstone, massive sandstone and mudstone can all be
recognised at North Head.
Head Sanctuary Foundation, P.O.Box 506, Balgowlah, NSW 2093
This page was coded for the North Head Sanctuary Foundation
by Judith Bennett.
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