North Head Sanctuary Foundation
is working with Government agencies
towards the establishment of
Car-rang-gel Sanctuary
on North Head
at the gateway of Sydney Harbour
- a flagship for Australia's
environmental resolve
and a celebration of
our natural and cultural heritage.
Car-rang-gel Sanctuary on North Head, Sydney
Aboriginal Heritage
Built Heritage
Research Volunteering

If you would like to receive North Head Sanctuary Foundation newsletters via your email from now on, just ask to be put on the mailing list by contacting:

Which Year of Newsletters would you like to visit? 

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Planting degraded area
January/February 2010
Geoff Bailey to speak at 24th Feb meeting, weeding day 7th Feb, Sydney Harbour NP Plan of Management due for comment, tawny frogmouth

Planting and mulching
March 2010
Geoff Bailey's news, planting report, Profile - Rachel Miller (NPWS ranger), Mystery on North Head - ruined infirmaries - by Geoff Lambert

Stone Obelisk
April 2010
"Treasuring our Planet" exhibition, planting mulched area, Cabbage Tree Bay Management Plan and special day, awards for two members, Mystery of stone obelisk

Siân Waythe

August 2010
AGM speaker - Andy Donnelly, Science Partnerships Director
EarthWatch Institute; new card designs; North Head Sanctuary Management Plan; Sunday at the Sanctuary; Working Bee; Siân Waythe profile; 1873 shipwreck on North Head

Third Cemetery
September 2010
Wildflower walks;Beauty of Biodiversity - art display; Quarantine Station; Year of Biodiversity at Museum; Hospital Picnic Grounds; Third Cemetery

Grave of Annie Egan
October 2010
New cards available; more plantings; Climate Watch; thanks to those who helped with display for Australian Museum; Quarantine Station talks; Pistol range; 3rd Cemetery with story of Annie Egan; make comment on latest proposals for Quarantine Station

Radar on North Head

November 2010
Mystery Walk; Seasons Greetings cards; progress of planted area; North Head news; Radar on North Head; Calytrix tetragona; Q-Station lectures; Third Cemetery - the story of George Hammond

Navigation marker and Third Cemetry
December 2010
Walk led by Geoff Lambert; Thank you to volunteers; Coastal Connections activity; new planting area near Scenic Drive; Ocean Care Day; Indigenous Health talk at Q-Station; Navigation marker mystery; Thysanotus tuberosus; Third Cemetery - the story of James (Jack) Freeman

Featured Flora and Fauna from the newsletters:

January/February 2010

Persoonia lanceolata Photo: Jenny Wilson
March 2010

Hakea teretifolia Photo: Jenny Wilson
April 2010

Bossiaea heterophylla Photo: Jenny Wilson
May 2010

Spiranthes australis Photo: Geoff Lambert
June 2010

Hakea gibbosa Photo: Jenny Wilson

July 2010

Zieria laevigata Photo: Geoff Lambert
September 2010

Philotheca salsolifolia Photo: Jenny Wilson
October 2010

Leucopogon microphyllus Photo: J Wilson
November 2010

Calytrix tetragona Photo: J Wilson
December 2010

Thysanotus tuberosus Photo: J Wilson
Aboriginal Heritage
Built Heritage
Research Volunteering
North Head Sanctuary Foundation, P.O.Box 506, Balgowlah, NSW 2093


This page was coded for the North Head Sanctuary Foundation by Judith Bennett.
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