North Head Sanctuary Foundation
is working with Government agencies
towards the establishment of
Car-rang-gel Sanctuary
on North Head
at the gateway of Sydney Harbour
- a flagship for Australia's
environmental resolve
and a celebration of
our natural and cultural heritage.
Car-rang-gel Sanctuary on North Head, Sydney
Aboriginal Heritage
Built Heritage
Research Volunteering

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Avenue of Honour
January 2011
Planning meeting; planting; grant to study bandicoot habitats; Ocean Care Day; Summerama at North Head; Sydney Harbour National Park Plan of Management; Avenue of Honour; Hibbertia scandens; Third Cemetery - George Braunton

Plants next to the gym
February 2011
Planning meeting;planting near the gym;Asparagus densiflorus; bandicoots on the brink; Avenue of Honour; former St Patrick's Seminary; Oplismenus aemulus; Third Cemetery - Edward Kelly
Norfolk Pine
March 2011
Avenue of Honour loop - Norfolk Pine; Q-Station lecture series; Mystery rock shelter; Third Cemetery - 241 people buried there; Platysace lanceolata; progress with planting program; Notes from North Head Sanctuary Foundation planning meeting

Scenic Drive planting

April 2011
Bandicoots and Banksia Scrub; Q-Station lectures; Walk and Talk by Peter McLaren; Third Cemetery - Nursing Sister Elizabeth McGregor; Sydney NP Plan of Management; Skeleton with typewriter; Planting along Scenic Drive; Platysace linearifolia; News article from 1935

William Menzies' grave
May 2011
NHSF general meeting: Third Cemetery - William Campbell Menzies; rabbits digging in bandicoot nesting area; bandicoot spotlighting; Inspection of Artillery School in 1937; Xanthorrhoea sp
Cane toad
June 2011
Third Cemetery - John Madden; D'harawal talk; ESL students; Acacia ulicifolia; Artillery School - "too good for soldiers"; dead cane toad found on North Head

Bandicoot foraging
July 2011
Bandicoots on North Head; AGM, Environmental Conference on North Head; Third Cemetery - J Maley; Botanical drawing exhibition; Education Centre about to move; planting a new area; Monotoca elliptica

Rain damage and flooding
Aug 2011
AGM 13 Aug 2pm Julie Nettleton will display her work; thank you volunteers from the past year; International Conference 8-11 Sep; Fire management by Aboriginal people;  Conospermum longifolium; Floods in Nursery and Education rooms; Third Cemetery - Edward James Edney.

Building 20 before refit
September 2011
President Judy Lambert steps down; International conference; Spring Wildflower Walks; Stony Range Fair; Refit of Building 20: Botanical artist chat; Lasiopetalum rufum; Fire on North Head; Farewell Nelika .

George Malakwen
October 2011
Congratulations - awards, new baby; Spring Wildflower Walks; Report from conference; Speakers included George Malakwen; Building 20 open; QS Open Day; Third Cemetery - suicide; "Bag It" film; Climate Watch Walk; Olearia tomentosa

Cubs listening to Geoff Lambert
November 2011
"Orchids of North Head" in Education Room on November 12; New card designs; hundreds of cubs on North Head; Plantings; Ocean Care Day Dec 4; Walks; Third Cemetery - Thomas Dudley; Erythrorchis cassythoides

Girl guides listening to Kathy Ridge
December 2011
Official opening of Bandicoot Heaven; Girl Guides visit North Head; Ocean Care Day; Hakea dactyloides

Featured Flora and Fauna from the newsletters:

January 2009

Banksia aemula Photo: Jenny Wilson
January 2011

Boronia ledifolia
Hibbertia Scandens Photo: J Wilson
February 2011

Oplismenus aemulus Photo: J Wilson
March 2011

Platysace lanceolata Photo: J Wilson
April 2011

Platysace linearafolia Photo: J Wilson

June 2011

Acacia ulicifolia Photo J. Wilson
May 2011

Xanthorrhoea Photo: J Wilson
 July 2011

Monotoca elliptica Photo J. Wilson
Aug 2011

Conospermum longifolium Photo: J. Wilson
September 2011

Lasiopetalum rufum Photo: Jenny Wilson
October 2011

Olearia tomentosa  Photo: Jenny Wilson
November 2011

Erythrorchis cassythoides  Photo: Jenny Wilson
December 2011

Hakea dactyloides Photo: J Wilson
Aboriginal Heritage
Built Heritage
Research Volunteering
North Head Sanctuary Foundation, P.O.Box 506, Balgowlah, NSW 2093


This page was coded for the North Head Sanctuary Foundation by Judith Bennett.
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